Wednesday, 25 April 2007

Funny Hours... Funny Me!

I'm feeling a little uninspired today. Just sitting here chilling and listening to music, having downloaded loads and updated my iPod. I'm not feeling so empty in the range of good music anymore... well, for a while at least!

On a positive note. I've just received a letter. I was hoping it would be informing me about a job interview or something... but no news on that front yet :(. On the up side, it was still a positive letter.
It's the letter I was waiting for from the mental health worker at my doctor's surgery. It's not an appointment or anything, I have a form to fill in and wait for her to send me an appointment through (so bad news is more waiting won't be very good), but at least my name is now officially on their system, and if I fill this in and send it back today, then I'm making good progress. So hopefully I can be seeing a counseller relatively soon. Yes, so I am coming on leaps and bounds with things right now, but I know I still need or would strongly benefit from professional help, and there is nothing wrong with asking for help when you need it. So fingers crossed and we'll see how that goes.

I didn't have much sleep last night. I had to go to the airport to pick up some friends who had been on holiday to the Maldives for a fortnight. Not that I minded, I quite liked driving along the motorway, along the open road with little traffic. I just love driving!

I did have one resounding thought though. That I really, really want to go to the Maldives! I know a few people who have been, and apparently, it's supposed to be the most wonderful place. Absolutely beautiful, and apparently you just walk around without shoes on because it's so tropical and gorgeous. What can be better than golden sandy beaches (and I'm not particularly fond of sand), crystal clear blue water, gorgeous sunshine and incredible scenery? I want me some of that!
So it leaves me hoping and praying for a fairly immediate windfall so I could actually afford to go! Enough money for an all expenses paid trip... and I'd love to take FT. I know she'd love it, and there's no one else in the world I would rather go with.

Keep my fingers crossed and keep dreaming then...

Never say never!


Anonymous said...

i still read. take care,

Anonymous said...

Hey woman! Don't forget us here...

How's it going?