Thursday 29 March 2007


I tried writing a post yesterday. About yesterday. I couldn't. It just came out as complete gobbledegook. It's saved in my drafts folder. I may finish it. By then it'll probably be out of date.
I feel strange right now. Like I can't string a sentance together properly. Like I don't want to sit down in one place for any length of time. But I don't know what to do with myself! It's a bit like the feeling of being incredibly horny and not having the chance to do anything about it, but it's not like that. I'm not making any sense. That said, I couldn't generate a cohearent post, just a collection of words and thoughts which I'm calling a poem, not knowing exactly what makes a poem a poem!

Sitting, sleeping, dreaming.
Waking and waiting and hoping.
Crazy life circling above.
Like a vulture waiting to swoop,
Waiting to claim it's next victim.
I close my eyes and smile.
What makes me happy?
What really makes me happy?
I know. We know. Everyone knows.
Anything worth a smile.
Anything to see that smile.
The unobtainable smile. Makes me grin as I reach for it.
Will I get it? I can't answer that now.
I don't want to yet.
I'm enjoying trying too much right now.
I'm having fun.
I forgot what that was.
I got too caught up with crazy life.
It chewed me up and spat me out.
But now I win.
I close my eyes and smile.
But will I get a smile back?
If not, I'll die trying.
Anything for a smile... That smile.
Will you smile with me?

Don't ask what I was on... probably the crappest poem I've ever written! I could have posted a good one I've done, but my thoughts led me to this right now... and it's my thoughts I don't know what to do with!

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