Friday, 27 March 2009

Feeling Sorry For Myself...

Why is it that when you have a good few days off work... something happens to ruin it?
I have a 4 day weekend... can you believe it? It's never been known. 4 days where I can do what I want... nothing planned particularly, so the world is my oyster.

Oh that's right... I got no sleep last night and woke up this morning with a stinking cold! Now I've not suffered with a cold or flu at all this year... not even through the winter. Even when everyone around me has been pretty sick, I've been A OK. But just when I get a 4 day weekend... and was way looking forward to it, catching up to people important to me who I've neglected for a bit... I feel like complete crap!

Would you believe I've spent the day tucked up in my bed watching the DVD box set of Criminal Minds series 2! Not that there's anything wrong with that... I guess I just felt a bit peeved that I could have done with a loved one brining me soup and cuddles to make me feel better! But no such luck!

Ah well... I guess I'll survive!

Speaking of which... I'm seriously considering now might be the right sort of time to get my next tattoo done. I'm having the word "Survivor" tattooed on my left ankle in chinese symbols. I had a friend of mine have it translated for me when she was in China, so it's a series of three symbols. I don't want anything big or opressive... just something with a bit of meaning, and I decided on that after I've been through all my low points in the past and of late, and I'm still here to tell the tale! I figured now is the time, as it will be all settled and looking good for the summer, with a pair of flip flops on... I can't wait! All I need is the cash to do it!

I've also come to the conclusion I need to get away, have a break and a holiday. I feel like to some extent, I've had the piss taken out of me a bit... and I don't want to have to be someone I'm not to stop that from happening. The difference with me now, is I realise when I deserve or need better, and I'm not frightened to take a stand to get it now. The difficulty is not upsetting people un-necessarily in the process.
I have friends all over the country I should take the time to go and visit... when it is convenient with them too of course. Takes me a while, but I do work out what I need eventually in the long run!

Anyhow, unintentionally, I'm cutting this post short, purely because I feel like shit and like my sinuses are about to erupt... so I guess the conclusion is:

To Be Continued...


Gorilla Bananas said...

Honey dissolved in hot water is what I take for a cold. Have you ever considered a gorilla tattoo?

Lucy said...

Thanks for the tip... I'm not too good with honey though, makes me kinda nauseous. I hadn't really thought about a gorilla tattoo, I guess I wanted something this time which has meaning for me... and survivor certainly has that... plus I kinda thought put it in another language because it'll need translating, like most things I find me doing with my life... lol.
That's my cunning plan :)