Thursday, 23 April 2009

Mad Dogs & Englishmen!

Let me first start by wishing everyone a 'Happy St George's Day', for all the Englishmen out there. I have no idea why, because to be fair, it's a complete waste of a 'saint's day' as it's not something that is ever really celebrated here in England... it's weird really. I mean, I'm probably as patriotic as the next guy... I stand up and sing the national anthem and have been known to have a tear in my eye when it's been played when we have one something internationally, but I think even St George's Day might be taking it a little too far.

I am absolutely exhausted. My shifts have been completely up the wall this week, and it's been my first full week back after annual leave, so I think it's taking it's toll. Plus the fact I'm only getting one day off this weekend, and hence one lie in. But even for that I think I'm going shoe shopping for some black shoes for my Doofus' wedding in October.
I am paranoid that the usher is going to look a complete and utter dick! And shoes are something I struggle with! To put it into perspective, the ones I were now are some Dr Martens I bought about 12 years ago, and haven't been made for years, or I'd simply buy another pair.

OK, so the term 'Mad Dog' comes from the fact it was Kia's first week back at puppy school since I had her neutered a couple of weeks ago. And she has been a right challenging cow. Let's just say she's trying to exert some authority and is having problems understanding she'd not head of the pack. It to be fair though, is nothing I can't handle.
She is one lovely labrador though... you can't help but love her!

To be honest, I'm so tired and bored this evening, I have no idea what to do with myself. I'm beside myself. There's nothing happening and nothing going on... think I might go for a lie down on the bed for a bit.

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