Tuesday, 6 March 2007

A Spineless Yucca!

I couldn't resist that as a post title... it almost sounds like a rude insult of some sorts, when alas, it is just the species of my plant!

Yep, I did it!

Trust a suicidal depressive to get so excited about such random things, but I actually went out and bought my plant I've been wittering on about for so long now! I have some issues with it though. Firstly, it's not quite as big as the one I initially wanted. Homebase here didn't have the bigger ones in, but then I thought that maybe that was OK, as at least then I could fit it in my lowly old Ford Focus without killing it on the ride home, and that maybe smaller would be better for my old room at my parent's house. Bearing in mind that's where it is living, because we have 3 cats, one of which was trying to munch on plant leaves as soon as I brought it in the door!

It doesn't actually go with the decor of my old room, as you can see from the picture. I opted for a nice brown ribbed plant pot. My main reasoning behind this, was that it allowed me, or at least gave me scope for some positive lateral thinking!

You see, I don't intend to be residing with my parents forever, hopefully not too much longer, and when I do get a place of my own, I'm aiming for my lovely ole spineless yucca to move into a lounge or hallway, where my own decor will be of neutral, natural colours, like browns and creams etc, so he'll look just perfect then.

That was as much positivity and forward thinking as I could muster. But at least it's a start!

I've been sleeping better the past couple of nights. I think absolute exhaustion is catching up with me. I do still have problems of waking up in the night and then not being able to get back to sleep. I was hoping my weekend in Cardiff would cure the sleeping problems, or at least enable me to catch up, but I spent most of the nights up into the early hours listening to my iPod through not being able to sleep. So it didn't quite work out like that.

I am fairly exhausted though, which I think is why the past couple of nights I've managed to get a good few hours. I must confess to taking a Nytol sleeping aid on Sunday night though, which again is something as a scientist and a supposedly intelligent person, I'm trying to ween myself off because I've got through something like 3 boxes in as many weeks, still struggling to get some proper shut eye. I don't want to become dependent on them, which is as well as to why I've started these plant drops.

I don't like the idea of the doctor putting me on sleeping medication, as some of those can affect your mental state and cause memory loss, which is not something I'm looking for, especially as knowing my luck it'll depelete all my good memories and leave me with all the shitty ones. That and I really don't want to start getting addicted to medication.

Another reason for my not going down the road of proper anti-depressants... my brain chemistry is complex and interfered with enough thank you, without me taking drugs to amplify various neurotransmitters and act as 'happy pills'. Thanks but no thanks... my brain chemistry screwed itself into this depressed state, and it can damn well unscrew itself out of it because I no way want to be addicted to pills to make me feel happy right now.

Maybe I'm being stupid and just accept the help that is available? Maybe it's something within me. Maybe I'm just scared as I've never really had to take hardcore medication before? But mentally, I just feel like I need to find my way out of this hole right now, for me. I need to find a way to survive, without taking anything to do it.

And if I fail, what happens then? Well, true to form, as a scientist, I'll have to agree with Herbert Spencer's theory of 'survival of the fittest' and accept it for what it is. That's me all over... 'live by the sword, die by the sword'.

As I said, right now, I'm taking things a day at a time, and I'm doing things my way. There may be a million people out there screaming 'get over it', or 'snap out of it' or people wanting to slap me round the face and get me to wake up and smell the coffee, but I'm just being me, and doing all that I can, without compromising who I am or all that I believe in and stand for. That is all I'm saying.

Many things happen to people that change their views on a situation, or on a person, and they do it to survive, in whatever way they can best. They run away, or avoid it, or confront it, or stand against it. It can be a bit like 'an eye for an eye' theory. I don't work like that. And I refuse to change who I am and what I stand for. For example, I can't understand right now the way things are with FT and me. I can't understand how you can go from being so close to a person and wanting to share yourself with them (and I'm not just meaning in a sexual sense, but more a friend sense), to having to distance yourself. I can't understand that, and I can't understand her reasonings for it all. To me, it's like she's not the person I fell in love with and honour and care for and respect anymore. But there is nothing I can do about that. I can't tell you how many people have gone down the 'it's her loss, she'd the idiot for shutting you out, screw her over, to hell with her and move on', because that's what people do at the end of relationships. I'm not like that. I can't understand that point of view. Yes, I am very hurt and very angry about the whole thing. It hurts more than being dumped, because it is like I am now nothing and everything I ever trusted and believed in was a complete and utter lie. Yes, I suppose I am bitter. But I don't feel that you have to change your outlook on a situation and effectively compromise your biological inbuilt foundations under the guise of moving on or getting over it. I've seen people end relationships where they've gone down that road and called the other person a 'bitch' and done all that they could to screw them over and make their life a misery. And to the outseide world, it looks like they get over the whole situation faster and move on quicker and more successfully. But they are the ones that have to go to bed at night, with their internal feelings and deal with how they really feel. And I guess I'm just to honest to kid myself or lie to myself in that way. And it makes for a bit of a mess.

I suppose we all have to deal with it at some point - no situation is ever really cut and dry to the point of feeling entirely certain that something is the case. There are mental doubts and 'good conscience, bad conscience' scenarios about every situation we have to face. Some people are just better at blocking out what they want to at the time than others. God, it's obvious I'm a Libra isn't it?!

If I've learnt anything at all in my life, it's that for me, I have to embrace everything that I feel and think, and not just puch it to the side to convince myself that something is the right thing to do. It is in no way the easiest option, not by a long chalk, but it makes for far fewer regrets in the long run.

And still, if in doubt or depressed... buy a spineless yucca plant! They are very pretty, and may even make you smile in the darkest of days... I'm still holding out my hopes!


Anonymous said...

Ooooooohh. Love the plant! (and Kermit, too!)

Go, you!

Looking forward to hearing about your new place when you get it. That will be exciting. New place. Great city. And sounds like you've got a good eye for decorating as I love the colours you're going to use to do your place up in.

You keep mentioning you're a scientist. What kind? What did you do your degree in?

Hey! I know! I'm nosy! lol

Glad you shared the pic of the plant. Now, I'm inspired to go out and get one!


Anonymous said...

have you tried calling "FT?" After some space apart things generally tend to look different on both sides. Maybe you could reconnect on some level after some time has passed.

Anonymous said...

Looks like I might need to be less anonymous, so I don't get confused with other anonymous posters!

Hmmmm. Better call myself Kermit!

And I'd advise against calling your ex. It's not good for you. If there is ever anything to happen between the two of you again, then let her contact you. For now, you just work on yourself and creating a fresh new life for yourself. The prospects are endless and exciting for you. You might not see it now, but bit by bit you will get yourself back. I promise you that.

Sending you lots of positive vibes!

Kermit :)
('Cause it ain't easy being green! lol)

Lucy said...

If I inspire the world one anonymous person at the time to go out and buy a spineless yucca, then all is good! :)

Me, I did a degree in Biomedical Science, so I know stuff about many biological things, but not enough to easily specialise in a particular area! I think my reason for the continual reference to the scientific link is that at time like this, I can see so many qualities in me that make for those stereotypical mad scientist types, and it helps me to understand a little more why I handle things the way I do... even if it's not the best way!

I haven't called FT. I feel like I'm between a rock and a hard place right now. I want to talk to her, so much. I can't begin to explain how much I miss not catching up with her. I just want to pick up the phone and ring. Just to hear her voice. But I'm so so scared. She's tried ringing me a couple of times, and I've not been able to answer the phone. Part of me is gutted I haven't spoken to her, and part of me thinks it's a good thing that I haven't.
I'm just so sick of being rejected. It can't possibly hurt anymore than it does right now. If I ring and she can't talk because she's busy or has something planned then I'll feel like the last person in the world that matters, it'll confirm all my fears, and I'll just end up taking more pills. If I talk to her and she sounds really happy, like she's not missed hearing from me over the past few weeks, then that'll hurt too. And will probably end up with the same outcome.
See, I'm in no mental place and can't answer the 'are you ok?' question honestly.
I just want to feel important. Like I am something again. If I feel like I fall last again, then, well I just can't keep going through that. I miss her so much!

Anonymous said...

Biomedical Science?! Holy crap! You must be an Einstein or something! I knew you were clever already from the sound of your posts, but whoa nelly, that's just too damn impressive!

Sounds like you are doing the right thing by not calling FT. I like how you are processing it. You really are looking out for and after yourself. That's what progress is about. Keep moving forward; not back, no matter how much you miss her (and you will for a while). This is about getting past the rawness and doing what you can and must to make YOU feel better.

Guess what? You ARE important! Now go forth and conquer the world - the universe - sister! Do it with plant in hand, too! We got your back! lol

Kermit xx